Monday, May 3, 2010

Another day trip to Uwharrie

i totally forgot to blog about my last oil change. i know, the topic is so riveting right? It actually is! You see the oil that came out of my jeep looked pretty much like the oil coming from the Deepwater Horizon. Luckily though, my oil spill wasn't burning. Anyhow i need to get the mileage on the change. I'll get that from the trip B odometer and edit this post in a bit.

The real reason i am posting is because i took the kids to Uwharrie for a day trip yesterday. In short, we had a blast! The 9 year old boy took the wheel for the first time solo. We jacked the seat close enough and he got his instructions from the old man. Yep, i was riding shotgun while the youngster took control of the rig. "The rig", anyone have a suggestion for names? It's a tradition in my family to name your vehicle and i have been lame enough to not give it a name.

Well, the boy did good. He once did what we all have done, step on the brake to stop and NOT push in the clutch. Doh! It was interesting to watch, the boy standing on the brake while the jeep keeps powering through in 4 low 1st gear. LOL, we all learn. It finally stalled out and he got to start it up again. He drove for another 5 minutes and gave up the controls. He likes to sit on my lap and steer. Kinda nice as a father to know he's still not a man. I would miss my boy terribly if he was.

Here's the bitter sweet part...

Ya, the kids just want to play in mud so bad. Like, they want it more than Jennifer Anniston wants to prove she can be as motherly as Jolie! The sweet part is watching my spawn giggle with delight at getting muddy and seeing mud waves splash over the hood. The bitter part is knowing what it takes to clean that sh1t off! Ahhhhhhhh. I'm gonna have to work harder than an 11 year old in a Chinese gaming sweatshop to get this mud off. The weather app says it should "pour" like a banshee today and i'm hoping that saves me some time and munney at the do it yo-self car wash.

Anyhow, jeeps get rebuilt, they're just machines. Your kids don't, they get old and before you know it they don't want to go jeeping with you anymore. Do what they want to do, give them a childhood to remember. And there's my 2 cents.


  1. Nice post Nate. I was thinking for a name "Dirty Sanchez" about sums it up right? LOL =)

  2. That's perfect! Thanks Chris.
